With each passing day, reminders that the winter months are fast approaching become more prevalent. TV ads, in-store displays, and even the weather report make it impossible to deny that it is once again time to welcome winter. One thing that may not be on your mind at the beginning of the new season is the importance of professional carpet cleaning. However, this is one of the most crucial times to perform a regular carpet cleaning. Take a look at the…

Why You Need A Professional For Pet Stain Cleaning
Almost everyone who has a pet knows what it is like when that pet leaves a stain on one of your carpets. When this happens, it is important that you get the pet stain professionally removed. Using the sprays you find at the pet-store are not enough, and can often leave traces of the stain behind. By going with EcoSafe Dry Carpet Care, you can rest assured our 4 step process will get all of the stains out. First, we identify…
Choose Environmental Friendly Carpet for Your Home
You can always tell when something is new by the smell. A new car, for example, smells fresh, clean, and ready to take you places. New carpet, though, shouldn’t smell very strong. As a matter of fact, unless you have environmental friendly carpet, that “new carpet smell” might be doing more harm than good. Sometimes, new carpets will contain volatile organic compounds (known as VOCs) which can emit gasses that cause some pretty serious health problems. When people breathe these gasses in…
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